Syrian Academics' and Researchers' Network Launch Event: Building Bridges, Advancing Knowledge

Syrian Academics' and Researchers' Network Launch Event: Building Bridges, Advancing Knowledge

Sat & Sun, 16th & 17th of Sep 2023

University of Cambridge

Tentative Programme

Day 1: Sat 16 of Sep

Day 2: Sun 17th of Sep


This event would not have been possible without the support of the British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE), Ulster University Education, Peace and Politics (EPP), Council for Academics at Risks (CARA), the Center for Lebanese Studies, and the University of Cambridge. 


Pembroke College, Nihon Room, Trumpington St, Cambridge CB2 1RF

The location is 25 minutes walking from the train station and 10 mins walking from the bus station

Accommodation and Transporation 

The network will cover the cost of the transportation and accommodation of attendees. All details will be confirmed with attendees upon registration and via email. Attendees will stay at one of Cambridge Colleges: